Amazing Tattoo Quotes Biography
This FAQ serves to disseminate information on the most frequently asked questions about the basics of tattoos and tattooing. If you are interested in learning more about the rec.arts.body art newsgroup itself, read the "What is rec.arts.body art" file that I post twice a month.
While body art has been around for thousands of years, it is currently experiencing an almost unprecedented popularity in the US and in Europe. However, the general population of developed countries still regard it with some disdain, especially against those who have a lot of any type body art. The purpose of this FAQ is not to raise these issues or to change such views, but to educate those who are interested in learning more about tattoos. Regardless of motive, tattooing is a very personal choice. Information in this FAQ should help you make a wiser decision about getting inked, since the reversing process is not easy.
I have tried to include the contributor's name and email address where possible, both for accountability reasons and for obtaining further information. Contributions, while welcome, may not always be added depending on whether they fit into the purpose of this FAQ.
Copyright and dissemination
Under the Berne Convention, this document is Copyright (c) 1997 by Lani Teshima-Miller, all rights reserved. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced electronically on any system connected to the various networks which make up the Internet, Usenet, and FidoNet so long as it is reproduced in its entirety, unedited, and with this copyright notice intact. Web sites are included. Individual copies may also be printed for personal use.
This document was produced for free redistribution. If you paid money for it, not only did you do so unnecessarily, but none of the money went to the person who did the work of producing the documents.
Sharing the files on an individual basis: You may copy, archive (ftp and web pages) and disseminate the entire set of FAQs electronically and in print on an individual, non-commercial basis. If you must break up the sections, break them up in the format already separated for you. Do not create your own sections. Do not add your own information in the FAQ.
Sharing the files through a BBS: If you maintain a BBS and wish to have these files available, please include a notice of how to obtain the most recent copy of the FAQs.
Creating your own html pages for WWW: Add whatever you want to your pages, as long as you leave my FAQs intact. [1].
While you are allowed individual copies of the FAQ, that does NOT mean my FAQ is in the public domain. To quote Jeffrey Knapp, "Lately, spaghetti publishers have taken to exploiting FAQs and lists, often publishing them without obtaining written permission. This is an abuse of copyright laws, and threatens the continued viability of the FAQ system which benefits us all."
All of my FAQs may be cited as: Teshima-Miller, Lani (1997) "rec.arts.bodyart _______* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)" Usenet rec.arts.bodyart, available via World Wide Web:, ~180 pages *I maintain all of the tattoo files, "Alternate Body art" file, "Welcome & Netiquette" file, and the Purple Pages Directory.
You must obtain prior permission from me before you make the FAQs available commercially, including reproducing/distribution in any electronic or print format that is not a pointer to the archives (e.g. CD-ROM, diskettes). I usually give permission as long as I get a copy of your product.
You need not obtain special permission to quote parts of this FAQ for academic research purposes (although you must cite this FAQ).
If you are not sure how to cite electronic information, a must-have is _Electronic Style: A Guide to Citing Electronic Information_ by Xia Li and Nancy B. Crane (Westport, 1993). It will tell you how to properly cite FAQs, posts, private email as well as FTPs, etc.
if you are a media reporter or journ, youalist are explicitly requested to email me prior to using material in, or quoting from this FAQ. I will respond to you personally and will often provide you with additional quotable sound bites if you wish.
I will gladly accept submissions from artists interested in discussing technique, style, or the reasons they got into the field.
This FAQ was originally compiled by Paul Davies (Synthetic Man) at, with contributions from various people. The rights and responsibilities to maintain this FAQ was passed on to Lani Teshima-Miller in Summer 1993, and has since grown in size by at least 350%. It was passed to Stan Schwarz in 1998.
If you would like to offer suggestions, ideas or submissions, please email me at <>
If I have any advice for those who decide to get inked, it is: shop around, ask
many questions, don't fret the cost, always ask to look at the artists' sample
photos and to get something that's custom and meaningful.
Table of contents
The 9 parts of the Tattoo FAQ files of rec.arts.bodyart, and the information provided in each:
2/9--Getting a tattoo: Does it hurt? Should I get one at all? WHY do I want one? Religious (Christian) arguments A temporary alternative? Where do I find a good artist, and what should I look for in a tattoo artist? How to look around in the shop Asking to see their portfolio What to look for in their portfolio What kinds of questions to ask What sorts of things to look for in a shop How much does it cost to get a tattoo? How should I act once I get in that chair? Where on my body should I get a tattoo?
3/9--Sanitation: Can I get infectious diseases from tattoo needles? What to look for in a sanitary shop environment. Can I get AIDS from tattooing? Can my tattoos get infected? How to look for sterilization Are there any medical conditions that will preclude me from getting a tattoo? What is the Alliance of Professional Tattooists?
4/9--Conventions: When and where are upcoming conventions? Tattoo Conventions: What are they all about? What types of conventions are available? Why would I want to attend? What's the format? What's the atmosphere? What kind of tattoo contests are there? Can I actually get a tattoo at a convention? What else can I find at these conventions?
5/9--Artist list Who is a good/bad tattoo artist near me? US West Coast. US Midwest. US Southeast. US East Coast. Canada. EUROPE/UK. EUROPE/POLAND. ASIA/Japan
6/9--Care of new tattoos: General advice from a medical doctor. What are some bad things for my new tattoo? Sauna or steamroom. Sunlight. Preparation-H. How do I care for my new tattoo?. Suggested Method 1: The Minimal Moisturizer Method. Suggested Method 2: The Pat-with-Listerine Method. Suggested Method 3: The Wait-24-Hours-to-Take-Off-Dressing Method. Suggested Method 4: The Coconut-Oil-Itch-Relief Method. Suggested Method 5: The Huck Spalding Method. Suggested Method 6: The Noxzema Method
7/9--General care/removal: How does weight gain/loss affect a tattoo? How
does lifting weights affect a tattoo? How does pregnancy affect a tattoo near the abdomen? Can a tattoo be removed? Get it reworked--cover-up. Get it reworked--touch-up. Get it removed--Tissue Expansion. Get it removed--Sal Abration. Get it removed--Staged Excision. Get it removed--medical lasers. Innovative Government Incentive Program for Tattoo Removal. One person's decision toward tattoo removal
8/9--Misc. info: Are there glow-in-the-dark tattoos? Where can I get a Japanese "irezumi" tattoo? When did tattooing start? How does a modern tattoo machine work? How long do I have to wait before I can donate blood? Tattoos and allergies. Tattoos and MRI. How do I become a tattoo artist?
9/9--Bibliography: Are there references about tattoos I could look up? Tattoos in movies and videos. Newspaper articles about tattoos/bodyart. Magazine and journal articles about tattoos/bodyart. Books about tattoos/bodyart (reviews where available). Tattoo organizations. Resource material for custom tattoo design ideas. Current tattoo magazines in printThe one-part Alternative Bodyart FAQ has the following: What is branding and how is it done? What is scarring? What are cuttings?
What to expect in upcoming revisions
--List of artists (ongoing) --What kind of colors are available? What are the inks made of? What is it about red ink that causes allergic reactions in some? --Where can I get good ideas for designs? Part of a bibliography. Note: In part 9 there is an extensive bibliography on Celtic design resources by tattooist Pat Fish. --How is"traditional" tattooing done without the tattoo machine? --What is the history behind Japanese tattoos? How is it done? --What Polynesian islands were into tattooing? --What tat magazines can I look at for examples of artists' works? --Are there any tattoo museums I could visit?Does it hurt?This is the first question in this FAQ because it's usually the first question that people ask. The answer is yes. Having needles pierce your skin hurts. The proper question is 'How much does it hurt, and can I handle it?'It's not nearly as bad as what you might imagine. The pain comes from the cluster of needles on the tattooing machine piercing your skin rapidly. This sensation, however, doesn't feel like the pain of an injection - it's more of a constant vibration. You will be amazed at how quickly your body releases endorphins, which dulls the pain significantly.
The pain will vary depending where on your body you get tattooed. Skin right above bones tend to be more painful than other areas. In addition, certain types of needles seem to hurt more than others.
NOTE: Do not drink alcohol or take drugs for pain relief purposes prior to your tattoo session(s). Both aspirin and alcohol thin blood and promote excessive bleeding. Aspirin also decreases the clotting of blood, which will slow down healing.
Should I get a tattoo in the first place?Your reading this may mean you're already interested in getting a tattoo, or may know someone who is. In a survey of 163 tattooed men and women, a third of them had regretted their tattoos! While most of this FAQ discusses the process once you've decided to get one, let's pause for a moment.Why do I want one?People get tattoos for different reasons. However, because of the permanency of your tattoo, try to look at yourself in five, 10, or even 20 years. What will you be doing at that time? You might be a free-spirited college student now, and a web of vines on your wrist would look really lovely. However, are you planning to work in a very conservative field after you graduate? Will others look at your tattoo in a bad way? Will you have to hide it? Are you willing to wear long sleeve shirts?Removing tattoos is difficult and costly. Expect to pay $1,000 to remove even a fairly small-sized tattoo if you're looking at laser surgery. Expect to have a noticeable scar if you go with a non-laser technique. Expect to pay for every penny out of your own pocket because health insurance companies will not pay for tattoo removal. There may not be a laser surgery specialist in your area.
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Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst
Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst

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Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst
Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst
Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst

Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst
Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst
Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst
Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst
Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst
Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst
Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst
Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst
Amazing Tattoo Quotes For Girls For Men For Women For Guys Tumblr About Life About Family On Arm On Cehst
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